🪴 Quartz 3.3


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Preview Changes

Last updated Jul 8, 2023 Edit Source

If you’d like to preview what your Quartz site looks like before deploying it to the internet, the following instructions guide you through installing the proper dependencies to run it locally.

# Install hugo-obsidian

This step will generate the list of backlinks for Hugo to parse. Ensure you have Go (>= 1.16) installed.

# Install and link `hugo-obsidian` locally
go install github.com/jackyzha0/hugo-obsidian@latest

If you are running into an error saying that command not found: hugo-obsidian, make sure you set your GOPATH correctly (see the troubleshooting page)! This will allow your terminal to correctly recognize hugo-obsidian as an executable.

# Installing Hugo

Hugo is the static site generator that powers Quartz. Install Hugo with “extended” Sass/SCSS version first. Then,

# Navigate to your local Quartz folder
cd <location-of-your-local-quartz>

# Start local server
make serve

# View your site in a browser at http://localhost:1313/

Docker Support

If you have the Docker CLI installed already, you can avoid installing hugo-obsidian and hugo. Instead, open your terminal, navigate to your folder with Quartz and run make docker

Afterwards, start the Hugo server as shown above and your local backlinks and interactive graph should be populated! Now, let’s get it hosted online.

🌍 Step 5: Hosting Quartz online!